We are providing Online trainings for SAP TAO, HP QTP, HP BPT, SAP MANUAL, SAP AUTOMATION, SAP SD,SAP MM,SAP ABAP,SAP CRM,SAP FICO by Realtime Experts

Saturday 16 June 2012

Purpose Of SAPTAO

  The highly secure and mission-critical nature of enterprise resource planning (ERP) data requires many SAP customers to test their ERP applications and business processes regularly. Many SAP customers use expensive customized manual procedures to test processes and applications. Manual testing is time-consuming, and frequently requires a team of experienced quality assurance (QA) professionals. Subject matter experts also often need to spend a lot of time communicating the process data flow to testers.
   SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization streamlines the creation and maintenance of ERP business process testing.

   SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization helps QA specialists to break down a test into components which are:

  • Assembled into test cases in a simple interface, using drag and drop
  • Parameterized for flexible reuse, such as reusing a test that has updated data
  • Maintained easily and inexpensively, even when screens, flows, or service packs change

SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization is designed for SAP-GUI-based applications. SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization users should be experienced quality managers who are familiar with the SAP Quality Center application by HP, SAP GUI ERP applications, and business process testing.
Automatic testing with SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization maximizes:

Testing deployment:

SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization, with SAP Quality Center, dramatically reduces the amount of time required to build and execute test scripts.


SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization eliminates the need to create new tests whenever a component changes. If one component in a group of tests changes, replace that component, and re-consolidate the tests.


SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization records component parameters. It provides a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to save parameters for reuse and maintenance. SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization helps you to determine the need for repairs, and helps you to repair your components.


The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization inspection process ensures that SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization tests are more robust during changes. Inspection examines the parameter in a component, not just the screen object behavior.

The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization solution requires products from SAP and HP QTP,QC

1 comment:

  1. sap test

    There is no doubt that using manual testing of SAP is a very hard work and you need for this time and proffesional help. Thank you for such a good article! You are always making our work easier!
