We are providing Online trainings for SAP TAO, HP QTP, HP BPT, SAP MANUAL, SAP AUTOMATION, SAP SD,SAP MM,SAP ABAP,SAP CRM,SAP FICO by Realtime Experts

Tuesday 13 November 2012


SAP TAO 2.0 Training Details : 

Hi All,
We are providing online Training on SAP TAO 2.0 tool with Real time SAP Test Scenarios by using Videos, for those who are looking jobs in SAP TAO.

Please find the below Training Details:
Pre-requisites to attend this Training:
1.QTP Knowledge
2.QC BPT(Business Process Testing) knowledge
3.SAP Application Basic knowledge (Not mandatory)

Please send me a Test mail to ganeshb@onlinesaptesting.com for Training information.

S.No Topic

1.0 SAP TAO Installation and Configuration
1.1 SAP TAO Introduction
1.2 Prerequisites for Installing  SAP TAO
1.3 SAP TAO Installation
1.4 SAP TAO Folder Structure
1.5 SAP TAO License
1.6 Configuring SAP Quality Center
1.7 Connecting SAP TAO to SAP Managed System
1.8 Connecting SAP TAO to SAP Quality Center
1.9 Creating Application Area in QTP
1.10 Exporting Local Components to QC
1.11 Configuration Settings for different Tabs 
1.12 Self-Check

2.0 Explanation of Different Tabs in SAP TAO
2.1 Process Flow Analyzer (PFA)
2.2 Inspection 
2.3 Consolidation 
2.4 Import/Export 
2.5 Change Analyzer
2.6 Repository 
2.7 Connect
2.8 Self-Check 

3.0 Demo With a Test Scenario
3.1 PFA
3.2 Inspect
3.3 UI Scanner
3.4 Consolidate
3.5 Build Test Script
3.6 Execute Test Script
3.7 Results Analysis

Training Duration - 5 Hrs
Training Cost  - Contact me

Thursday 11 October 2012

We are providing Online training's for SAP TAO, HP QTP, HP BPT,SAP MANUAL,SAP AUTOMATION,SAP CRM,SAP SD,SAP MM,SAP ABAP,SAP FICO by Real time Experts.If you want to boost your IT career with latest technologies we are here with quality online training with cheapest price. You can attend class from anywhere in globe just by sharing 1 or 2 hrs daily or else in weekends. You will get a feel like you are in a class room. Our highly experienced trainers will make you feel comfortable with the subject in all dimensions. 

If anyone interested in Online training, Call us for Demo Session


Order to Cash Cycle -Flow

A customer orders some items from your company by creating a sales order (Tcodes: VA01, VA02, VA03, Tables: VBAK, VBAP etc).

Your company decides to deliver the items ordered by the customer. This is recorded by creating a outbound delivery document (TCodes:VL01N, VL02N, VL03N, Tables: LIKP, LIPS etc).

Once the items are available for sending to the customer, you post goods issue which reduces your inventory and puts the delivery in transit. This will create a material document. You will post goods issue using VL02N but the material document created will be stored in tables MKPF, MSEG.
You will then create shipment document to actually ship the items. (Tcodes: VT01N, VT02N, VT03N, Tables: VTTK, VTTP etc).

You finally create a sales billing document. (TCodes: VF01, VF02, VF03, Tables: VBRK, VBRP etc). This will have a corresponding accounting document created that will be in BKPF, BSEG tables.

When customer pays to your invoice, it will directly hit your AR account in FI.
You will have to remember that these are not a required sequence. Some times, you may configure your system to create a SD invoice as soon as you create a sales order or you may not create a shipping document at all. This is the position where Functional Consultant would come into picture and study the company's order to cash process and configure the SAP system to do so.

Saturday 15 September 2012

SAP Automation Testing with HP's BPT

  • Challenges
  • Organization Readiness
  • Foundation
  • Planning, Planning, Planning
  • Business Process Testing Intro 
  • High Cost of Maintenance
  • Best Practices
  • Data-Driven
  • Test Data Management
  • Business Process Testing Demos
Common Challenges
  • Typical SAP tests are usually module specific and not end-to end.
  • SAP knowledge is captured in silos (module), very few resources knows the entire end-to-end process.
  • Substantial amount of  SAP upgrades, hot-packs and updates.
  • Lack or poor Quality Assurance processes within the organization.
  • Unclear, vague, poor and/or non-testable requirements. 
  • Poorly documented or non-existent test cases.
  • Lack of Data Management
  • High maintenance cost due to poor or non-existent test automation design
  • Inexperienced resources without
    • Automation Testing. 
    • Tool knowledge.
    • Scripting knowledge.
    • Technical knowledge.   
Organization Readiness
  • Is your organization ready to automate?
  • Do you have mature manual testing processes?
  • Do you have the test automation knowledge to avoid growing pains?
  • Do you have the skills to properly plan and automate your test cases?
  • Do you know the automation tool well? (Undocumented and Advance Features)
  • Do you have a test data baseline process?
  • Well-organized Manual Test Processes.
    • Test Cases well documented
    • Valid Test Data 
  • Test Automation Strategy
  • Test Automation Architecture and Design
  • Resources with Test Automation Knowledge
  • Resources with Advance Tool Knowledge
  • Accessible Application Specialist (Business Knowledge)
  • Test Data Management
  • Dedicated team of Test Automation Specialists

Test Automation is a software development project, it is necessary to

  • Prepare an Architecture solution
  • Plan the best approach for the application under test
  • Prepare a road map
  • Identify technical challenges if any
  • Train resources.
  • Test Automation Strategy
    • Test data management
    • Test design patterns
    • Standards and naming conventions
    • Error handling and reporting.
  • Test prioritization with Business Process Experts
  • Test Automation Plan
    • Development cycle process
    • Resources & schedule
  • Automate prioritized test suite
Business Process testing
HP – Business Process Testing
  • Proven Technology
  • Reduces maintenance compared to traditional automation
  • Component level traceability
  • High level of flexibility to deal with custom controls
  • Run time parameterization
  • Requires some level of recording
  • No automatic change detection
  • Test Automated testing tools available to test SAP environments provide several approaches;
    • Traditional Record and Playback (1st Generation)
    • Business Process Testing  (2nd Generation)

  • Business Process Testing Requires 
    • HP - Quality Center
    • HP - QuickTest Professional
  • Gives the possibility within Quality Center to
    • Separate the scripting task from the test case preparation task
    • Easily create test scripts using reusable test components
    • Manage the test data
    • Manage the test flow
    • Maintain either manual or automated components
Business Process Testing-Approach

High Cost of Maintenance
  • Minimize maintenance cost
    • High reusability with data-driven test components
    • Minimize scripting logic with efficient test component design
    • Self-contained test cases for easier test management
    • Function / Methods Library development for high reusability
  • Reduce needed skills with task segregation
    • Business Process Experts – Test Case Level
    • Test Component Developers – Test Component Level
Best Practices

  • Reusable Components – Encapsulated steps that can be reused
  • Component Granularity – The right size of the component. Should it be a screen, form, header, tab, etc?
  • Data-Driven Component – Components that can accept different input data
  • Function Libraries – Visual Basic Libraries containing reusable functions and methods
  • Business Component – A keyword driven component 
  • Scripted Component – A event driven component with the flexibility write coded and logic
  • Business Flows – A collection of several components that represent a specific flow of events
  • Test Data Management - A process to manage test data
  • Data Baseline – A data starting point . A specific state that data has to be set at
  • Naming Convention Standards – Standards for coding, parameters, messages and error handling
  • Advance Error Handling – The ability to handle known and unknown errors to provide real unattended execution
  • Automation Team- Dedicated team for automation
An Automated Test Script should process a transaction flow based on the input test data

  • Reduce maintenance by separating the test from the data
  • Execute several transaction flow scenarios by feeding data to the same test case
  • One Test Case satisfies multiple transaction flows
Test Data Management
A successful Test Automation needs a well organized test data management process
  • An Efficient Test Data Management process benefits manual and automated testing
  • Test Data needs to be included in the test automation design and architecture (Data Baselining)
  • Invalid Test Data accounts for more than 70% failures in automated testing runs (GIGO effect)
  • Obtaining and/or creating test data can take between 20% to 50% of the testing effort
  • Business Process Testing 
    • Substantially reduces maintenance  
    • Provides modularity and reusability
    • Captures business knowledge
    • Provides data-driven testing
    • Technology is been around since 2004
    • Accelerates Test Creation when components are available
    • Can be used by Business Analyst or Functional Analyst to compose tests
    • Is embedded in a test management solution, Quality Center
Contact Information
  • Ganesh.B
    • Senior Testing Engineer
      • Mobile:+91-8106488863
      • Email:ganeshb@onlinesaptesting.com


Saturday 16 June 2012

Purpose Of SAPTAO

  The highly secure and mission-critical nature of enterprise resource planning (ERP) data requires many SAP customers to test their ERP applications and business processes regularly. Many SAP customers use expensive customized manual procedures to test processes and applications. Manual testing is time-consuming, and frequently requires a team of experienced quality assurance (QA) professionals. Subject matter experts also often need to spend a lot of time communicating the process data flow to testers.
   SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization streamlines the creation and maintenance of ERP business process testing.

   SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization helps QA specialists to break down a test into components which are:

  • Assembled into test cases in a simple interface, using drag and drop
  • Parameterized for flexible reuse, such as reusing a test that has updated data
  • Maintained easily and inexpensively, even when screens, flows, or service packs change

SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization is designed for SAP-GUI-based applications. SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization users should be experienced quality managers who are familiar with the SAP Quality Center application by HP, SAP GUI ERP applications, and business process testing.
Automatic testing with SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization maximizes:

Testing deployment:

SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization, with SAP Quality Center, dramatically reduces the amount of time required to build and execute test scripts.


SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization eliminates the need to create new tests whenever a component changes. If one component in a group of tests changes, replace that component, and re-consolidate the tests.


SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization records component parameters. It provides a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to save parameters for reuse and maintenance. SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization helps you to determine the need for repairs, and helps you to repair your components.


The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization inspection process ensures that SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization tests are more robust during changes. Inspection examines the parameter in a component, not just the screen object behavior.

The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization solution requires products from SAP and HP QTP,QC


The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization Clent application runs on Windows System. It Performs 6 Key functions

1 .PFA (Process Flow Analyzer)     
2. Inspection/UI Scanner
3. Import/Export                         
4. Change Analysis
5. Repository                            
6. Consolidator


License Validation:

  •  Once Installation is complete, Double Click on the SAPTAO Icon on the Desktop. SAPTAO UI Appears.
  • Click on the “Configuration” Link on the top right of the screen and select  the “License” Tab
  • Select the Solution Manager system from the System List
  • Click on Test SAP Connection (The text box on the right SAP TAO License with Text Enabled turns Green

Connection Settings:

  • Click on the Connect Module on the Left hand Side Panel of SAPTAO UI.
  • Select the SAP Managed system from the list and provide valid credentials
  • Click on “Test SAP Connection” Button and then  Click on “Save” Button
  • The ICON displaying the selected current Backend system turns Green
  • Provide Valid QC Connection details along with Domain and project details and click on “Save” Button
  • The ICON displaying the connection state of QC turns Green

Configuration Settings

Click on the Configuration Link and set the following in the respective
tabs as described below.
Inspection /UI Scanner

Inspection of a screen helps you to create a screen component, which contains the controls (such as text fields, labels, and dropdown boxes) on the screen. The inspection fails if the screen is defined dynamically at runtime (dynamic screen).
SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization application has two modes of inspection.

      The Inspection tab page in the SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client selects multiple SAP GUI screens and transactions for testing, in an easy-to-use interface. It then determines whether these screens are valid, and sends them to SAP Quality Center as screen components.

       The UI Scanner tab page collects information from one screen at a time, and sends screen objects to SAP Quality Center, as components. The UI scanner requires Quickest Professional on your local work station. Use the PFA to record dynamic screens.

The inspection of screens is included in the PFA. Use PFA first, to automate the testing of business processes. You use the inspection first for the screens that cannot be recorded using PFA.

Set up Inspection

Procedure :-
1. In the SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client, choose Configuration.
2. Choose Inspect tab page.
3. Select the required options.

Keep copy of components on local path
To maintain a local copy of components from screen inspection

Upload components to SAP Quality Center
 To upload the screen components to SAP Quality Center
If this option is not selected, the parameters Overwrite components and Delimiter for Component/Unique Identifier on the Import/Export tab page are used to name new components.

Display UI Scanner Tab
 To view the UI Scanner tab page for component creation
This tab page is not displayed by default.

Component path
 The location of components created during inspection
 Duplicate components are overwritten without confirmation.

UI Scanner: A plug-in module for HP Quickest Professional enables you to collect information from one screen at a time, and sends the screen objects to HP Quality Center as a component. The UI Scanner scans all objects in the screen including dynamically generated objects. The UI scanner requires an active Quick Test Professional installation on your local work station.


Import/export exchanges components between the SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client and SAP Quality Center. The import/export module does the following.
Export components from the inspector in the SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client to SAP Quality Center
Import components from SAP Quality Center to the SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client
Export components from the local memory to SAP Quality Center
Export a component from the UI scanner and send it to SAP Quality Center, in the background

PFA also uses import/export while creating the test components

1. Choose Import/Export tab page.
2. Select the required options.

Path to imported components

The local location of imported components

Local Components Path
The local location of exported components

Overwrite components
Overwrite the existing components in SAP Quality Center with new ones.